Monday, October 30, 2017

Alien Covenant - deleted scene - David explains his research and future plans for a Queen

I mean, "I'm not sure if/how the following deleted scene from Alien Covenant could have been woven into the plot somewhere..." it kinda puts a long-stop to the action (derivative corridor airlocking ret-con that it became) of the last reel. It certainly couldn't have come before the scene where the Facehugging begins...

This David-speech needed to be said, "Somewhere," in the final moments of Alien Covenant. Or maybe as an edited GENESPLICE into the flowing climax of the narrative, somehow. Building and revealing the details of David's encroaching mind-mutiny.

It's just too good to have been neglected... you know, if you have any faith at all in the fact that 'David designed the Xenomorph' as a genetic warrior i.e. weapon for Weyland-Yutani.

Personally, I still think the SPACE JOCKEY or GANESHA-LIKE TRUCKER from Scott's original Alien should have been a genomorph hailing from a planet/race of such who trade the human genome across the developing galaxy, such is its fantastic potential for CANCEROUS mutation.

Make (what we now call) 'humanity' the star of the show, would have been 'my interpretation' of any Alien Prequel -- man among the giants of the universe. Make it Giger-sexy, a Caligula space opera. Don't bother with 'a Queen' as the xenomorph can clearly BE all it wants, make all it wants. Thanks to the captive human genestrokes...

Make it an aeons-running human-trafficking story that ended with a 'space trucker' SCHINDLER'S LIST-LIKE hyperspace-unfolding and soft-landing his eggy-cargo exodus/legacy of human DNA on LV426. And have it done with. Fuck it, I'm gonna write this re-timeline Giger-nostalgia into my next Hertzan Chimera story CUNTLAND CHRONICLES. It's gonna bite! Sordid-tasty, real nasty!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Hertzan Chimera - Bukkakeworld and Planet of the Owls - tenth anniversary editions?


Released simultaneously by Silverthought Press of NY, I'm very tempted to re-issue the 40,000 words novels Bukkakeworld and Planet of the Owls via Chimericana Books in these special TENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION covers some time in 2018.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hertzan Chimera novel - Drivers passing in the night - mainstream romance product?

you know, the other day, I nearly (seriously) thought about writing a straight i.e. mainstream, romance novel using the writing voice of Hertzan Chimera.

For it was to be
About partial/sporadic reincarnation
And the retention of the LoveDrive across
Billowing aeons of spatial race...

Still might...

Friday, April 21, 2017

Free Planet - eradicate profit - reverse ownership

"Over time, those things that we own tend to own us..." Wendy the Renegade, in Hertzan Chimera's novel Cuntland Chronicles.

The dreams begin again:
If you wait for something long enough, your unconscious brain will start telling you how you should get on with it.
And this has happened every novel I've written. Since the early works such as The Fountains Institute trilogy, through the 00-ies novels Yoroppa, View From A Stolen Window, Bukkakeworld and Planet of the Owls, right up to the latest Free Planet and War World dual/duelling trilogies, dreams have been the way these books have been structured.

After three years of structural and thematic thinkage on the subject of the next Hertzan Chimera novel, the dreams have started again, in earnest. Now is the time to be getting on with the next part of HC's literary journey across the ZenSual universe. One must listen to this inner, dreaming, consciousness - it's how and why we got as far as we did in such a short (historical) time frame.

Your semi-conscious brain knows what's good for you - it's a survival mechanism - like renouncing the ridculous top-down or insidious reverse-ownership mentality of For God and Country. The brain just knows, deep inside its electric collagen, what's right for You The People and what's right for You The Free Planet.

It's too easy sometimes, once you cut out Profit via Patent from your planetary diet, to remain a cheerful healthy and creative race of individuals well into the future.

Fuck those arbitrary borders.
Fuck those arbitrary rules.
Fuck secrecy in all its forms - information is your friend.

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

forthcumming Oxford novel - from Randall Revisited - to Cuntland Chronicles

best cover concept to date... :)
gah, I always liked the concept of re-visiting the (United States-era) dream-planet of Randall.  And finally I decided to get on with it...

But was I really happy with the proposed title of Randall Revisited?

Did I really want what might be my last Hertzan Chimera novel to come across like some sort of soft scifi loosely based on an Evelyn Waugh homo-romp aka The Sacred & Profane Memories of Charlie T Driver?

Was I happy that Hertzan Chimera's lasting legacy would be mispronounced around the book-review world by some camply lisping podcaster to Wandall Wevisited... I mean, we've all seen Monty Python's Life of Brian, right? Woger?

A Hertzan Chimera novel about cars and fucking and intergalactic mind-fracture needs a meatier title, right? Hence and therefore. From this day forward. Til death do us part. The next i.e. forthcumming, Zensual fiction Hertzan Chimera novel is to be called CUNT LAND chronicles.

Let the reading world take heed... and beware.