Sunday, December 18, 2016

Randall Revisited - Hertzan Chimera - new cover concept

I've had another look at the Randall Revisited cover and I wanted to let the reader really understand what's going on here... that of an Oxford that's linked to the stars in ways that we don't understand as the book opens.

Message to all the government assassins of Randall:

"You are nothing to me. Less than pointless. Worthless pawns in a worthless game. I will wipe you from the face of this Earth and you won't even know why...
"Let it be known, I am coming for you in the safe garages of your safe towers and you will all pay for your corporate crimes against what once was.
"Mankind will rise from the ashes of your metal world, once again, master of his own destiny.
"All gaming will end.
"All time will stand still."

Hope you'all enjoy this:

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Hertzan Chimera novels - Bukkakeworld 2008 - Planet of the Owls 2008

for those of you who missed these financial-apocalypse titles in 2008, these two were originally published by Silverthought Press of NY (thanks to David Hughes for his faith in my wierd shit) and rights-return reissued by Chimericana Books of UK in 2011. 

Go to your local amazon toilet, to dump your mother load of cash... go on, go on, go on.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hertzan Chimera - Randall Revisited - new cover and opening words...

Message to all the government assassins of Randall, "You are nothing to me. Less than pointless. Worthless pawns in a worthless game. I will wipe you from the face of this Earth and you won't even know why..."

Let it be known, I am coming for you in the safe garages of your safe towers and you will all pay for your corporate crimes against what once was. Mankind will rise from the ashes of your world, once again, master of his own destiny. All gaming will end, soon.

All time will stand still...

Monday, February 08, 2016

Hertzan Chimera - 2016 novel - Randall Revisited

it's gonna be about Organic Sex Machines i.e. you and I, transplanted to that special place where horror and art are THE SAME FUCKING THING.

Q: wasn't Hertzan Chimera supposed to be co-writing a novel with Rachael Kozak called Venomist this year?

A: I had a lot of contact last year with the very talented Mz Kozak about this proposed co-work (ideas flowed back and forth on certain technical issues or narrative concepts) all the time explaining that I had time in 2016 and we could explore Venomist some more then. Well, I received the first few pages from Mz Kozak and I have to say, "She's gotta do this on her own," it has her voice, not mine, and it's a very special, unique and exciting voice that all who're interested in chemical-realms and spiritual-realms and ancient-history-realms need to experience for themselves.

Randall? I wrote a book called United States back in the day and it featured a brief visitation to a psycho-horror concrete-chase car-sex world called Randall ... that's what it's going to be about, Revisited. A seering road movie with a distinct whiff of nitroglycerine about it. Or just a forlorn building who lust after some decent garaging.

"There's this lovely little car I've had my eye on for a few weeks now, name of Wendy." ref: The Getaway Girl, one of the original HC-story inspirations for this novel.